Can I order or purchase complete vehicles (new or used) from SEIKEL GmbH?

This is not possible since SEIKEL GmbH is not a car dealer. However, we will be delighted to advise you of the various possibilities.

Can the cruise control system from the original Volkswagen product range be retrofitted on vehicles with a short axle gear ratio or modified speedometer?

Unfortunately this is not possible.

Are the off-road tyres on offer also suitable for vehicles with standard running gear?

No, it is not possible to fit these tyres to production vehicles since the rolling circumference has been considerably increased and the tyres could damage the vehicle if the tyres are used without raising the suspension.

Are the lift kits offered identical with the rough road suspension?

No. The lift kits are proprietary developments by SEIKEL GmbH and are substantially different from the rough road suspension from Volkswagen AG.

Are spare parts sent by SEIKEL GmbH or are repairs only possible at SEIKEL GmbH?

If spare parts are required, we can ship the required parts rapidly all over the world. Most repairs can be carried out by any Volkswagen dealership.

Does the Volkswagen AG warranty continue after a conversion?

Most conversions are subject to a no objection certificate from Volkswagen AG. The factory warranty therefore remains valid. SEIKEL GmbH grants a 1 year warranty on its own parts.

In individual cases, however, the warranty may expire. We will be delighted to explain this in your individual case.

Are new or as-new parts which are removed or replaced accepted as payment or offset against the cost of conversion?

Unfortunately this is not possible.

Can front-wheel drive vehicles be fitted with lift kits?

Yes, this is possible without any problem.

What happens to parts that are removed and replaced?

All parts are returned to the customer or on request professionally disposed of free of charge.

How long does conversion work take?

1 day for running gear, tyres, speedometer adjustment, and TÜV entry

1.5 days for additional underbody protection

3 days for additional gearbox conversion

2 days for gearbox conversion only

I would like an estimate for the conversion work I require.

First make a list of items using our website or send us the following information by email or fax:

  • chassis number of a copy of the motor vehicle registration certificate
  • your contact details:
  • Name, address, telephone (also fax number if necessary), email
  • a list of the conversions you require